General Info & FAQ

Q: Why should I attend?
A: This event brings together agribusiness, researchers and growers so you can improve your
business all while connecting with peers and agriculture companies. It’s a forum for
sharing knowledge and experiences with each other.
Q: Where do I buy my ticket?
A: This event is FREE and open to the public.
Q: When is the event?
A: The 2024 VA AG EXPO will be held on August 1, 2024 at Level Green Farm,
Champlain, VA.
Q: Where should I stay?
A: The 2024 VA AG EXPO has reserved rooms at two local hotels.
Event Attendees CLICK HERE
Q: Is there a tradeshow?
A: Yes. You can explore over 100 Exhibitors! View the EXHIBITOR LIST!
Q: What should I bring?
A: Feel free to bring a refillable water bottle, business cards, and a notepad and pen
to jot down all you'll learn.
Q: Will there be parking?
A: Yes, parking is free.
Q: Will there food vendor services?
A: Yes, we will have several vendors on site serving breakfast and lunch during the